1. Good thing to give as a goft: When your friend have a birthday, buy storm glass corresponding to her/his constellation, so that your friend can get a beautiful and meaningful gift!
2. Good thing to start a conversation: When a new friend came to your gome, if you are trying to find a thing to start a conversation, it is the perfect candidate! I bet 80% people do not know what is this!
3. Good appearance: It has lots of "flavors" to choose, with it good looking, I am sure that you can choose "the one" among them!
4. Bring magic: After we finished our first product, I bring that to my home. And then, it has lots of good things happen to me: The bus arrived just when I got to the bus stop; my friend brought an extra breakfast and gave it to me who didn'r eatl I forgot that there was an exam today, but the teacher cancelled it... It's hard for me not to associate these lucky things with storm glass! So buy one and try its magic!